Online Governance Training for Board Trustees


As of June 2020, I am offering Online Governance Training for Trustees in Social Enterprises, Charities, Cooperatives and Not for Profits. I will liaise with your Charity Trustees prior to the training in order to carry out a Training Needs Analysis.

I will then design a training course which will be tailor made to meet the specific needs of your organisation. In my experience of working as both a Charity Trustee and supporting Charity Trustees; in order for the training to be effective it has to be designed to meet the specific needs of each Charity Trustee.

Programme Objectives:

  • Introduce "Governance" and its relevance to the Charity Sector.
  • Identify the Key Legal Responsibilities of Trustees
  • Explain the Duties of Trustee's
  • Define the Roles of Trustee's
  • Identify the Legal and Regulatory requirements that apply to the work of the Charity

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this module the participant will be:

  • Able to define governance, describe its purpose and significance
  • Define the role of Trustees in relation to their organisation
  • In a position to explain the legal and regulatory requires that Trustees in Ireland need to adhere to.

For more information email me on or or phone me on 0876895505.